Hi, my name is Samuel
Seeking a Junior Role in Technology Sector.

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I am now actively seeking entry-level roles and internships in Web Development, ICT Business Analysis, and ICT Project Management to apply my skills and contribute to a dynamic team. Feel free to reach out for any inquiries or collaboration opportunities. . . .

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E-Commerece Store / QR Store

This is my Gig marketplace. I am selling some products while working on Uber and DIDI to test the feasibility of this concept. Additionally, I aim to present my project from an enterprise-level perspective and showcase it to my fellow gig workers.

Antonio's YouTube tutorial series, "E-Commerce store with Next.js 14 App Router," guides viewers through building a web application.

The frontend is developed using React, with Next.js 14 App Router for dynamic routing and Tailwind CSS for styling.

Leavering Stripe payment platform, fetching APIs from the backend of E-Commerce CMS. Full Stack E-Commerce store: Next.js 14 App Router, React, Tailwind, 2024

See Live Source Code

E-Commerce Admin Dashboard CMS

Antonio's YouTube tutorial series, "E-commerce store with Next.js 14 App Router," guides viewers through building a web application.

The frontend is developed using React, with Next.js 14 App Router for dynamic routing and Tailwind CSS for styling. On the backend, Prisma facilitates database interactions, with MySQL on Planetscale serving as the relational database.

Shadcn/ui to build CMS UI components using ready made TSX files and npm packges. Full Stack E-Commerce + Dashboard & CMS: Next.js 14 App Router, React, Tailwind, Prisma, MySQL 2024

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Airbnb Clone

Antonio's YouTube tutorial series, "Full Stack Airbnb Clone with Next.js 13 App Router," guides viewers through building a responsive web application.

The frontend is developed using React, with Next.js 13 App Router for dynamic routing and Tailwind CSS for styling. On the backend, Prisma facilitates database interactions, with MongoDB serving as the non-relational database. The tutorial also covers implementing NextAuth for authentication.

This concise series offers a practical, step-by-step approach to creating a feature-rich Airbnb clone with a focus on a non-relational database structure.

See Live Source Code

Udemy Project - Face Detection

React JS for the frontend, Tachyon for styling, and Express.js, Node.js, and PostgreSQL for the backend.

Leveraging Clarifai as a machine learning model platform, the application seamlessly incorporated advanced image recognition capabilities.

The project was successfully deployed on Heroku, showcasing my proficiency in full-stack web development

See Live Source Code

Capstone Project - Crunch Fitness Information System

A group project, of five members, to develop a fitness information system using Scrum, an agile framework, and various web technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP.

As developer and designer, I was in charge of coding and low level design using Balsamic Cloud, and delivered the final project on time. Awarded High Distinction.

See Live Source Code Storyboard

Volunteered Project - Treiner Player Dashboard

Building a demo for Treiner's website by following the design from Figma, specifically the player dashboard.

Successfully transformed it from basic HTML and CSS into the Laravel framework. The deployment process into GitLab was made possible with the collaborative support of my colleagues.

See Live Source Code Storyboard


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